Millennium BCP
Millennium BCP
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1 Santander 83.8
Millennium BCP48.4
Banco Comercial Portugues S.A.

Millennium BCP - Not supported new currency

Sem resolução
Hanna Hivoina
Hanna Hivoina apresentou a reclamação
17 de julho 2018

Hello! I am writing this complaint because there's no other way to communicate to bank's advanced technical assistance. I've been trying to make some payments to belarusian internet shops and my payment was failing. I called support to resolve this situation and they told me problem is with 3DSecure, unlocked it and I tried paying again - it failed with a new error (ISO code not valid). I called bank again, they checked and asked to try to process payment for the third time - it failed with same code. I had suspicion that problem is with new (denominated) currency introduced in Belarus, BYN instead of old BYR. Since Millennium couldn't help to clarify it, I called Belarusian company Assist that is responsible for these payments and asked them for help. They confirmed that though payment fails at 3DSecure step, the problem is with new currency, Millennium doesn't have it in place (they checked their logs). It was introduced in 2016 so I would expect it to work by now. Assist's support told me that bank can communicate and their technical specialists are ready to collaborate.
So I called Millennium support again to ask who I can contact on this matter, ask if BYN is planned to work with Millennium cards, but they couldn't help me and told there's nothing I can do. I am not complaining exactly about currency missing, but mostly about not having an active point of contact where I can ask such questions or make my suggestion to the bank.

Data de ocorrência: 17 de julho 2018
Millennium BCP
19 de julho 2018
Exmos. Senhores,

Confirmamos a receção da V. comunicação de 17 de julho de 2018, que agradecemos e à qual dedicamos a nossa melhor atenção.

A Provedoria do Cliente remeteu a mesma para o Centro de Atenção ao Cliente do Millennium bcp, para análise e resposta no mais breve espaço de tempo.

O Regulamento do Provedor prevê que o prazo de resposta não exceda os 30 dias, salvo em casos excecionais, em que o prazo poderá ser alargado para os 60 dias.

Esta Provedoria continuará a acompanhar de perto a evolução do processo.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Provedoria do Cliente Millennium bcp
Millennium BCP
9 de agosto 2018
Exmos. Senhores,

Serve o presente para informar V. Exas., de que esta Provedoria do Cliente, tem conhecimento de que o competente Centro de Atenção ao Cliente do Millennium bcp, no âmbito do processo supracitado, procedeu à pertinente resposta, nesta data e por e-mail, pelo que damos o referido processo por concluído.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Provedoria do Cliente Millennium bcp
Hanna Hivoina
6 de setembro 2018
Millennium Customer Service Center indeed contacted me on 9 August, but just to say that they could not find any failed transactions from that day (which were easily found by Customer Center before, when i was calling, but okay). I sent proof with all the data - date, time, error code, bill number etc but since then there was no response.
Hanna Hivoina
21 de outubro 2018
Millennium Customer Service Center first answered me that there were no failed transactions as I mentioned in previous comment, then said that I was not using Millennium card (I don't even have any other cards, but I probably should get one), and now they apologized for previous message and said there were no failed transactions (again!).

If that's how complaints are closed on this platform, I can see why success rate is so high. But there were failed transactions, several of them I made WHILE I was on the call with Customer Service Center. This is ridiculous.
Esta reclamação foi considerada sem resolução
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.