Remax Marca Recomendada Marca do Mês
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Prémio Marca Recomendada
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Ganhar, Consultoria e Gestão Lda
  • Apostamos e trabalhamos todos os dias para prestar aos nossos clientes (Proprietários e Compradores) um serviço de excelência. O nosso objetivo é o Maximo serviço ao cliente.

  • 210041141
    Chamada para a rede fixa nacional
  • Beloura Office Park, Edificio 3, Piso 1, Escritório 5, 2710-693 Sintra
    Edifcio Tower Plaza, Via Engenheiro Edgar Cardoso, 23, 5º C e D, 4400-676 Vila Nova de Gaia

Remax - Business fraud

Sonia apresentou a reclamação
18 de março 2019

The agent of Remax Vantagem Central , name (*) is suspected to commit business fraud by : 1. Gaining the service commission by cheating and concealing the requests of tenant, which directly lead to the unnatural termination of the contract , and the economic loss of the owner of the property . 2. Helping and assisting the tenant to violate the clausules of the contract . 3. The Qualidade Department of Remax Portugal didn't answer as how promised by 14/3/2019 , which is a serious negligence of professional ethics . ----- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE ATTACHED CHAIN EMAIL.

Data de ocorrência: 18 de março 2019
18 de março 2019
Exma. Senhora,

Para qualquer reclamação e/ou esclarecimento, solicitamos contacto para:

Melhores cumprimentos.
Departamento de Qualidade
18 de março 2019
A Reclamação foi enviado pela Qualidade da Remax no dia 6/3/2019 . No dia 7/3/2019 a Sr.a Carmen Ribeira me prometeu para me dar uma resposta até ao próximo dia 14.03.2019 . Hoje (18/3/2019) não recebi nada ! A propósito , pedi pra Qualidade da Remax para explica-me em ingles , por que o português não e' a minha primeira lingua , mas ainda estão a me escrever em português , sendo uma empresa tão importante e internacional . If you had a minimum of Professional Ethics , as how you often promote your brand image, you should have investigated internally before you so toughly roughly , irresponsibly and bureaucratically treated my complaint on the Portal da Queixa . Shame on you !
18 de março 2019
Is there a Robot of Remax that is responding clients' Reclamações , o a Human ?!!!!
18 de março 2019
Are you playing football , and trying to kick the ball back to where it arrived ? But before doing that, at least investigate a little bit internally . Ridiculously Remax Qualidade , who replied my complaint letter on the Portal da Queixa , without even thinking about what happened (How superficial !!) , suggesting me to write to the Qualidade . Then I received from Mr. Olga Costa from the same department , telling me that Qualidade is not in charge of these issues , and suggesting me to write to Remax Vantagem Central , where I sent my complaint letter in the first place !!! On the 7/3/2019, and who forwarded the same complaint letter to the Qualidade . And the same Qualidade promised me an answer by 14/3/2019 which didn't come into being ! Scandalous !
18 de março 2019
The only thing that Remax knows to do is Shirk responsibility ?
18 de março 2019
They said that they didn't know what one colleague of their own Department said , like this is as sound and clear as written in the Bible . --- Is that the newest trendy skill of how shirking responsibilities ? Well that's so easy , just saying “We don't know" . Plus , they just ignored my request on the timeline , given the already delay . Then what ? One will have to lose more time and energy to follow up behind them ..until you feel exhausted and losing will and energy to fight with them ?
27 de maio 2020
Exmo.(a) Sr.(a),

Antes de mais, agradecemos a vossa comunicação.
No seguimento da mesma, achamos que a situação já se encontra resolvida, contudo, alguma dúvida não hesite em contactar-nos.

Com os nossos cumprimentos,
Departamento de Qualidade
Esta reclamação foi considerada resolvida

Dear Mrs. Chen,
We've never answer to you directly because you had a lawyer, and it was to her that we have send our answers and as a portuguese lawyer, the answers are in portuguese.
As for the complaint, the person that you hired is no longer working with us, mainly because of the attitude you told us and we didn't know about. Best regards, Departamento de Qualidade Grupo RE/MAX Vantagem