Performance da Marca
Índice de Satisfação nos últimos 12 meses.
Taxa de Resposta
Tempo Médio de Resposta
Taxa de Solução
Média das Avaliações
Taxa de Retenção de Clientes
Ranking na categoria
Institutos Públicos
1 IEFP 88.9
2 IMT 88.3
3 IMPIC 75.9
Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo
  • (+351) 218 106 19
    Chamada para a rede fixa nacional
  • Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 20
    1069-119 LISBOA

SEF - Manifestação de interesse

Sem resolução
Jerome Pepito
Jerome Pepito apresentou a reclamação
5 de setembro 2019
I started my MI last November 2018, received approval on December 2018 but since then I couldn´t book an appointment online with SEF. When I submitted the process, CLAIM informed me that SEF will be calling me for my appointment, now they are saying I have to check the site daily and wait for my LUCK to get an appointment. What´s disappointing about the entire process is when you call SEF or CLAIM everyone would just say try and check it everyday and hope that you have the luck to get the appointment. I cannot believe that people working in these offices would expect applicants to just base their appointments on Luck and what´s worst is no one seem to know who is responsible nor could clear address the issue as to when this will be resolved. This has hindered me from fully functioning with my job since I cannot leave the country until this issue is resolved.
Data de ocorrência: 5 de setembro 2019
Esta reclamação foi considerada sem resolução
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.