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Capital Securities S.A.

LiquidityX - Reclamação

Em tratamento
AMADEU da Costa Oliveira
AMADEU Oliveira apresentou a reclamação
17 de abril 2024
Amadeu Costa Oliveira
Av. Marechal Humberto Delgado, nº 20-1º Dt. Frente
4760-012 V. N. de Famalicão
Mobile. +351 966535285

Management of

Registered/Receipt Notice
and Email


Subject: Complaint/Account Blockage

Dear Sir/Madam,

On the 4th of April of the current month, following the information access and advertising of your company and the investment banking activity in the European Economic Area, through the centralized operation on the website, I joined your institution and the services advertised by it.

For this purpose, and following the instructions provided to me by your employees on your "" platform, I opened an account to start interacting with trading and submitted the documents they indicated were necessary for this purpose.

On April 5th, I transferred €14,000.00 to the account opened in my name with your institution and on your platform, in four installments. On April 8th, I transferred an additional €11,000.00. This amounted to a total of €25,000.00 deposited in the account opened and at my disposal.

After completing the procedures in the following days, I started trading in buying and selling CFDs with the necessary care and caution. On April 10, 2024, at 11:52 am, I received information that the trading and investment platform was not able to accept new orders.

I awaited further communication to be able to move the account and resume trading in the terms that seemed most convenient and appropriate to me. However, this was no longer allowed by the platform.

On April 11, 2024, the platform indicated that, as a result of my previous and still incipient trading, the amount committed to trading reached €2,487.69, which corresponded to the so-called "used margin". At that time, the information displayed was as follows:

Balance: €25,999.90
Profit/loss: €-400.13
Equity: €25,599.77
Used margin: €2,487.69
Free margin: €23,112.08
Apparently, the market was still open at that time, although I myself remained unable to access the platform and trade, either selling or buying.

Later, but still on the same day, at 7:40:14 pm, the platform's display, which I could still access, informed: "Problem in operation" (Asset is close only mode). Also, at that time, the economic information displayed on the platform was:

Balance: €25,999.90
Profit/loss: €-120.73
Equity: €25,879.17
Used margin: €2,487.69
Free margin: €23,391.48
However, despite this information, it was never again possible to access my account or make any trades.

I sent several complaints via email from the early hours of the 12th and throughout the day. Unfortunately, I did not receive any response or explanation, of any kind, for the anomaly and irregularity resulting from the blocking of access to my account and trading.

Already in despair and absolutely dissatisfied with the illegality created by your company, I began attempting to access the uncommitted funds in any trade (€23,391.48), aiming for their refund. Unfortunately, to this day, I still have no access to the account and the platform, and the information regarding the trading status and the ownership position with your company has disappeared.

Data de ocorrência: 11 de abril 2024
18 de abril 2024
Caro Amadeu,

Gostaríamos de informar que o seu caso está agora a ser investigado e que alguém do departamento relevante entrará em contacto consigo em breve.
Por favor, tenha em atenção que a investigação pode demorar algum tempo, pelo que lhe pedimos que seja paciente connosco, pois estamos a dar o nosso melhor para resolver o seu problema.

Com os melhores cumprimentos

Equipa LiquidityX
LiquidityX está a aguardar resposta do utilizador

Boa Tarde Amadeu

Somos uma empresa especializada em recuperar capital em situações de burla como a sua , oferecendo soluções eficazes para garantir que nossos clientes obtenham o que lhes é devido . Conte conosco para proteger os seus interesses e recuperar o seu investimento de forma ágil e segura , sendo que todo o processo de investigação e gratuito.

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