Renova Marca do Mês
Marca do Mês
Performance da Marca
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Marca do Mês
Ranking na categoria
Renova - Fábrica de Papel do Almonda SA
  • 249 830 200
    Chamada para a rede fixa nacional
  • Renova - Zibreira
    2354-001 Torres Novas

Renova - Papel higiénico

Sem resolução
Nelson Amaral
Nelson Amaral apresentou a reclamação
16 de fevereiro 2023
I bought a 48-roll bag of Renova toilet paper thinking it would be a good buy at Pingo Doce never thinking about the advertising on the bag would be deceitful, well that's how you got me it will be the last time I will ever buy any product from Renova, Shame on you, I will be telling everyone that I know about your terrible Cheap Defective useless No good for nothing paper shouldn't even be called paper and the price that I paid for it it's outrageously high it's not even worth a third of the price you guys should be ashamed of yourselves lying to people and this is how you guys make your money making people fall for that Crapp on the first time and this is how you make your money By lying to people? You'll never get me again!!
Esta reclamação tem um anexo privado
Data de ocorrência: 16 de fevereiro 2023
Esta reclamação foi considerada sem resolução
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.