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NX7 Business OÜ
  • 304 503 132
  • Sakala tn 7-2, Tallinn
    Tallinn, 10141, Estônia
  • - Payment of items not delivered

Sem resolução
Jamie L
Jamie L apresentou a reclamação
2 de fevereiro 2023
I purchased a large order of furniture through their online store with that was over €2300.00. I decided to go with their their store due to their short processing time and delivery time as other stores it would take over two months to receive the items. I made the payment on January 10th 2023, and my bank shows they processed this payment within 2 days. I waited for 10 days for any notification from Decorei on tracking, where my order is in the process etc. I contacted them on January 16th 2023 and they indicated my order was still being processed eventhough the money was paid out quickly to them. They stated that at that point I should be receiving a tracking number soon. I contacted them again asking why they have sent my items, they said on January 21 2023, my order was finally processed (again this is false as my bank shows money was transfered to them the day after I made payment) and that I should receive a tracking very soon. Well ..... I have contacted them again with no response at this point, no tracking number, with no items delivered for my home and money taken from me. If this does not resolve quickly, with the items that I purchased, with the exact description, delivered to my home undamaged or missing within the next week, I am going to consider this store a scam and I will have to contact my card company and open a dispute. If this is a legit store don't lie about your processing and delivery times to get people to buy things from you, be honest and forward about how long it trully takes for items to be delivered. I will await for your resolution on the matter Decorei and I hope it is swift.
Data de ocorrência: 2 de fevereiro 2023
2 de fevereiro 2023

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Jamie L
4 de fevereiro 2023
I have already written to you on numerous occasions, at the beginning there was response obviously to placate me into believing you are actually doing something about my order. Since then there has been no response. So no, I will not be emailing you to discuss further as you should already have seen my emails and the complaint I wrote in this website. Since it is a generic response and based on many customer's on this site having no positive resolution to their orders, I have opened a claim with my card company to dispute my charge to your store. Please cancel my order and return my funds when my card company contact you, or sooner.
Esta reclamação foi considerada sem resolução
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.