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Airbnb Ireland UC
  • The Watermarque Building, South Lotts Road
    Ringsend, Dublin 4

Airbnb - Room booked but payment not received

Leandro D
Leandro D apresentou a reclamação
16 de dezembro 2019
I received a booking request yesterday from guest Tony, which I accepted.
Since 9:52AM until a few hours ago the room was blocked for this guest, as you can see in the image attached.
I proceeded with cleaning the entire house and preparing the room for him, as he told me he was arriving at 4pm (see messages).
After that, he stopped responding, and then he never finished payment, and never came.
This is a very unfair situation since I made all the arrangements to receive him and the room indeed was his for the entire day - since the calendar was blocked, I couldn't have gotten another booking.
It doesn't make sense to block my calendar for an unconfirmed booking, on the same day, since that is preventing me from receiving another booking. I get that you can do it when the reservation is like in a month, but this situation shouldn't be possible. It is unfair.
Please note that not only I couldn’t receive a booking for yesterday, but also that any potential guest searching for longer stays that started yesterday, weren’t shown my room, when in the end it was actually free. More than half of the bookings I have are same day bookings, so the probability of getting another one was high.
Given that I spent hours cleaning the house for Tony, who actually said was coming (check the messages) and that I was prevented from receiving another booking, I will need to insist on receiving a payment for this. It should come from the guest, since he committed with the room and purposely stopped responding so as to not pay, but given that it’s Airbnb’s system that allows for situations like this, I think you should also take responsibility and cover for my loss. I hope you can understand.
Best regards, Gustavo
Data de ocorrência: 16 de dezembro 2019
31 de dezembro 2019
Olá Gustavo,

Obrigado por entrar em contato com a gente. Vejo que você entrou em contato com a nossa equipe e fico feliz por saber que podemos ajudá-lo.

Por favor, não desative sua reclamação, avalie o atendimento da sua solicitação. A sua nota ajudará a nossa equipe a entender como você se sentiu com o atendimento e a melhorar com os futuros contatos.

Se precisar de mais ajuda, ligue pra gente!


Equipe de Ajuda do Portal da Queixa
Telefone: +351 30 880 3888 ou 0800 878 7918
Página de ajuda:
Leandro D
Leandro D avaliou a marca
10 de abril 2020

A terrible disappointment, as a host.

Esta reclamação foi considerada resolvida pela marca, e aceite pelo utilizador
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.