IVI Portugal
IVI Portugal
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Instituto Valenciano Infertilidade - Clinica Reprodução Assistida, Lda
  • 218503210
    Chamada para a rede fixa nacional
  • Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 333 H - Esc. 1-9
    1800-282 Lisboa
  • ivilisboa@ivirma.com

IVI Portugal - Communication error

Elisabet Olofsson
Elisabet Olofsson apresentou a reclamação
8 de agosto 2022 (editada a 9 de agosto 2022)
The doctor decided, without consulting me as patient, to opt for a natural cycle without the ovitrelle trigger shot. I was not informed of this until after the cycle was canceled. The plan was to trigger on a Saturday for a transfer the following Friday. Having received medical records for the day I should have triggered the values were optimal (30.04.2022).The natural cycle did not work out as then the transfer would have taken place on a weekend when the clinic is closed. For me as a patient this affected my personal life and timing with other activities. We just wanted to transfer our last embryo (having already two children) but it could not be done as planned as the doctor decided otherwise. We later transferred the embryo 2 months later (with trigger shot! It was not even a discussion to do a complete natural cycle). The transfer failed. My complaint is not about the failed transfer it is about lack of communication and withholding of information in the cycle that was canceled.
My values on 30.04.2022 were E2 222.4 prog 0.59 LH 5.08. I ovulated naturally on Monday 02.05.2022.
Data de ocorrência: 30 de abril 2022
IVI Portugal
23 de agosto 2022
Dear Elisabet,

We regret what happened. We will contact you directly.

Thanks in advance.

IVI Portugal
Elisabet Olofsson
23 de agosto 2022
Hello, I will await your call. The only reason I got aware of this is because afterwards I wanted to compare the cycles with my blood values to understand why I couldn't trigger on the 30.04 so I asked for my medical file. After numerous emails with IVI and the lab they (the lab) said that thay had no analysis for that day. Somehow the doctor had them and later gave them to me over video conference. It was like talking to a wall, no understanding of my situation. I had to change doctors as IVI when my doctor relocated then it all went wrong. The doctor was indirectly accusing me that I had asked for a natural cycle trying to save their own appearance.
IVI Portugal
21 de setembro 2022
Dear Elisabet,

Just to inform you that your complaint remains under review, so you will be contacted directly, as soon as possible.

Best regards,

IVI Portugal
Elisabet Olofsson
Elisabet Olofsson avaliou a marca
27 de setembro 2022

After a call with the clinic director the questions were answered appropriately and I received an apology for what happened.

Esta reclamação foi considerada resolvida
Esta reclamação ainda não tem qualquer comentário.